The General Secretariat comprises the Chamber’s administrative and technical services, performed by civil servants. They have a professional nature. Under the authority of the Bureau and of the Speaker, the General Secretariat is responsible for providing support to parliamentary bodies and Deputies for the performance of their duties. More specifically, it provides legal and technical advice to the said bodies, provides several services and organizes the necessary human and material means for the Chamber to hold sittings and conduct its functions. It is headed by the Secretary General, appointed by the Bureau of the Congress at the proposal of the Speaker from the Clerks of the Cortes Generales with more than five years of actual services. Its basic units comprise, apart from the Secretary General, two Under-General Secretariats and the following Directorates: Institutional Relations; Communication; Legal Advice; Auditing of the Congress of Deputies; Technical-Parliamentary Assistance; Committees; Studies, Analysis and Publications; Documentation, Library and Archive; International Relations; Budget and Procurement; Human Resources and Internal Governance; Infrastructures and Premises and the Information and Communications Technologies Centre.