Secretaría General

Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales

The General Secretariat comprises the Chamber’s administrative and technical services, performed by civil servants. They have a professional nature. Under the authority of the Bureau and of the Speaker, the General Secretariat is responsible for providing support to parliamentary bodies and Deputies for the performance of their duties. More specifically, it provides legal and technical advice to the said bodies, provides several services and organizes the necessary human and material means for the Chamber to hold sittings and conduct its functions. It is headed by the Secretary General, appointed by the Bureau of the Congress at the proposal of the Speaker from the Clerks of the Cortes Generales with more than five years of actual services. Its basic units comprise, apart from the Secretary General, two Under-General Secretariats and the following Directorates: Institutional Relations; Communication; Legal Advice; Auditing of the Congress of Deputies; Technical-Parliamentary Assistance; Committees; Studies, Analysis and Publications; Documentation, Library and Archive; International Relations; Budget and Procurement; Human Resources and Internal Governance; Infrastructures and Premises and the Information and Communications Technologies Centre.

Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales

• The Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales was adopted by agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate in a joint meeting on March 27, 2006
• Amendment of the Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales adopted by agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate in a joint meeting on September 16, 2008
• Amendment of the Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales adopted by agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate in a joint meeting on September 21, 2009
• Amendment of the Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales, adopted by agreement of May 10, 2016, by the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate
• Collective bargaining agreement for the non-civil service professional groups of the Congress
• EPersonnel Statute of the Cortes Generales. Consolidated text [external link to the Senate's web page]
• Civil Servants Corps of the Cortes Generales and non-civil service professional groups staff numbers


Personnel organization chart and Organization Rules

Organization Rules

• Organization Rules of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies, adopted by the Bureau of the Chamber in its meeting held on September 4, 2007
Resolution of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, of November 30, 2020, amending the Organization Rules of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies, adopted by the Bureau of the Chamber in its meeting held on September 4, 2007 

• Joint Rules regarding the drafting of the Personnel Organization Charts of the General Secretariat of the Congress and the Senate

• Resolution of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, April 11, 2023, amending the Organization Rules of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies

Personnel Chart of the Congress of Deputies

• Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies, adopted by the Bureau of the Chamber in its meeting of June 19, 2007
• Amendment, of July 8, 2014, of the Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies
• Amendment, of November 14, 2017, of the Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies
• Amendment, of November 30, 2020, of the Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies  
• Amendment, of November 30, 2020, of the Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies
• Amendment of February 22, 2022, of the Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies

• Personnel Organization Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies. Consolidated text in non-sexist language

• Resolution of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, April 11, 2023, amending the Organic Personnel of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies

Organization chart of the common services of the Cortes Generales

• Personnel Organization chart of the Common Services of Cortes Generales, adopted by the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate in their joint meeting of June 18, 2007
• Resolution of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies of November 14, 2017, and of the Bureau of the Senate of November 21, 2017, amending the Personnel Organization Chart of the Common Services of Cortes Generales of the Central Electoral Board Technical Secretariat
Resolution of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies of November 14, 2017, and of the Bureau of the Senate of November 21, 2017, amending the Personnel Organization Chart of the Common Services of Cortes Generales of the Central Electoral Board Technical Secretariat
• Correction of error of the Resolution of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies, adopted in its meetings held on November 30 and December 4, 2020  and of the Senate, adopted in its meeting of December 1, 2020, amending the Personnel Organization Chart of the Common Services of the Cortes Generales  
• Personnel Organization Chart of the Common Services of the Cortes Generales. Consolidated 
text in non-sexist language  


• Functions


• Chart of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies and of the common services of the Cortes Generales (updated on February 15, 2021) 


• Scales for the provision of positions of the Personnel Organization Charts by means of internal selection process. Resolution of the Senior Clerk of the Cortes Generales of September 20, 2013.
• Scales applicable to the internal selection processes for the provision of non-civil service positions envisaged in the personnel organization chart of the General Secretariat. Resolution of the Secretary General of the Congress of Deputies of July 23, 2014
• Resolution of the Senior Clerk of the Cortes Generales, of February 16, 2021, laying down the scales applicable to the provision of positions of the personnel organization chart of the Budgetary Office and the Conflict of Interests Office of the Cortes Generales by means of an internal selection process

Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund

• Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund for the civil servants of the Cortes Generales (adopted by agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate in their joint meeting of September 21, 2021)
• Decision of the Supreme Court, of December 21, 2022, invalidating articles 14.d) and 16 of the Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund of the civil servants of the Cortes Generales  
• Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund of the civil servants of the Cortes Generales adopted by agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate, adopted in their joint meeting of July 18, 1991 (repealed except as regards the benefit envisaged in article 19.b) of the Rules of July 18, 1991, for retired civil servants of the Cortes Generales, who, on the date when the new Rules were adopted, were receiving the benefits envisaged in the said article, who shall continue to be governed by the provisions established therein).
• Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund for the temporary personnel of the Congress of Deputies
• Rules governing the Social Benefits Fund for the non-civil service personnel of the Congress of Deputies
General scale for benefits for 2023
• Civil servants of the Cortes Generales
• Temporary staff of the Congress of Deputies
• Non-civil servant employees of the Congress of Deputies

Working hours, permissions and leaves

• Notice on permissions and leaves. Resolution of 7/12/2003, of the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies, amending Notice of January 29, 1991, on the procedure governing the consideration of requests for permissions
• Rules on working days and hours of the civil servants of the Cortes Generales. Agreement of July 11, 1995, adopted by the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate in a joint meeting.
• Agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate, adopted in their joint meeting of June 10, 2014, amending the rules governing the working days and hours of the civil servants of the Cortes Generales.

Other rules

• Rules on compensations and extraordinary remunerations for the civil servants of the Cortes Generales, adopted by the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate in their joint meeting of September 29, 2022.
• Rules on composition and functioning of the Boards of Examiners for the selection process to access the civil servants Corps of the Cortes Generales, adopted by the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate
• Amendment of the rules on the composition and functioning of the Boards of Examiners for the selection process to access the civil servants Corps of the Cortes Generales. Agreement of the Bureaus of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate
• I Equality Plan of the Cortes Generales
• Action Protocol in cases of sexual harassment, harassment on grounds of gender and in all cases of harassment and violence within the Cortes Generales
• Occupational Risks Prevention Plan of the Congress of Deputies