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Bodies of the house
Current membership of Junta de Portavoces
Board of Party Spokespersons
It is the body through which the Parliamentary Groups participate in the organization of the work of the Chamber. It is made up of the President of Congress, who acts as its Chairman, and the spokespersons of all the Parliamentary Groups, who have complete autonomy to appoint their representative. Its meetings are also attended by a representative of the Government, the members of the Bureau (at least one Vice-President and one Secretary) and the Secretary-General. The main function of this body is to set the agenda of the plenary meetings. In addition, it must be consulted on various occasions, such as the preparation of the timetable and the order of business, the fixing of the number of members of the Committees, the establishment of certain types of these bodies or the order of business, among others. The resolutions of the Board of Spokespersons are adopted by weighted vote, which means that the vote of each spokesperson is equivalent to the number of members of the respective parliamentary group.