Bodies of the house

XIV Legislatura (2019-2023)

Membership Relationship of members of the Committee to their positions
Session Journals Full text of the session logs in PDF format
Audiovisual Archive: Agendas and deferred broadcasts Access to the deferred broadcast of the video of each session of the Committees with its corresponding agenda.
Initiatives that have been processed and are in the process of being processed Access to parliamentary initiatives that have been debated or are in the process of being debated by the Commission. Includes access to the full text published
Interventions List of all the speakers at the Commission associated with their respective cases
Dictamen, conclusiones de los Grupos de Trabajo, enmiendas y mantenimiento de enmiendas Acceso al dictamen, conclusiones de los grupos de trabajo y enmiendas presentadas
Informes y documentos aportados Acceso a los informes y documentos aportados