

Audiovisual archive - Emission history by date

This access to the audiovisual library of the Congress, allows to see in deferred or download sessions of Plenary and Commission already held through a simple search by date or by parliamentary organ.

XIV Legislatura (2019-2023)

February 22, 2022

10:15 Comisión Mixta para la Unión Europea (Session number: 31)
10:30 Comisión de Educación y Formación Profesional (Session number: 23)
10:30 Comisión de Cultura y Deporte (Session number: 19)
11:00 Comisión Mixta de Seguridad Nacional (Session number: 12)
15:00 Sesión Plenaria (Session number: 153)
See schedule of the day

