

General data

Elections: 33. Elecciones 20.4.1879
Legislature: 1879-1880
Circumscription: Granada
District: Granada
Voters: 3711
Votes obtained: 2638
Credential number: 74
Entry date: 29/04/1879
Exit date: 25/06/1881
Swear/promise date: 24/06/1879
Political fraction: Conservador
Profession: Militar

Biographical data

Date of birth: 11.11.1821 en San Fernando (Cádiz)
Date of death: 02.06.1892 en Madrid
Biografy: Ministro de Ultramar 09/06/1867 [BOE 12/06/1867] a 23/04/1868 [BOE 25/04/1868]; Ministro de Marina Interino 11/02/1868 [BOE 12/02/1868] a 13/02/1868 [BOE 14/02/1868]; Ministro de Ultramar 23/04/1868 [BOE 25/04/1868] a 15/06/1868 [BOE 16/06/1868]

Signatura:A.C.D. Serie documentación Electoral

Signatura:A.C.D. Serie documentación Electoral: 84 nº 2